Monday, February 1, 2016

Cabin Fever Brown Ale from New Holland Brewing Co.

is one of hell of a drink.

WARNING: your limit is 1 if you are driving, or, shit, even walking home. ONE. enjoy.

Petyon Manning's Pizza is terrible.

I tried Papa Johns pizza once. One time. That was it. Never again. It was like a poor man's Elio's in a circular tray. But worse. Much worse. I actually like Elio's at times but Papa John's was more like a Piggy's slice you'd get at the rink during public skating. Cardboard. Terrible. No taste. Just terrible.

So I guess Peyton not only does the commercials but owns franchises? Oof. Well, people like terrible food so. Actually that's not fair. They're just lazy and like being told what to purchase, so their "decision to choose" such a terrible product is more the fault of the marketing and business folk in the corporation, rather than their own. They just do what their TV tells them to.

Along those lines, I feel as though I'm going to vomit every time someone tells me they not only go to Chipotle, but actually thoroughly enjoy the product. I get physically nauseous. I tried Chipotle once as well... Actually I think I even gave it a second chance... It was so fucking vile. The sour cream ran like water, and the food was barely even luke warm. Gross. Gross. Gross.

Perhaps I am the victim of having a much better, more authentic option available; that being Anna's Taqueria. I am certainly thankful for the alternative. One should know when partaking of Chipotle's product that it's more Taco Bell than taco. One should already know that Taco Bell is best described as a culinary mystery.

Prediction time!

If I had to guess, I'd say it probably ends up being Rubio and Clinton in Iowa.

Large crowds rarely translate in caucuses.

Mark Zuckerberg had to study how to smile

to appear more human. He proved incapable of mastering the behavior and his smile tutors quit in disgust upon learning his true reptilian nature.

MZPRAS is what happens when an

introverted alien cyborg decides he's the only one who deserves any privacy.

MZPRAS - refers to "Mark Zuckerberg's Privacy-Raping Ad Service"  © - credit to original coiner  

Is Zuckerberg his parents' fault?

Are Zuckerberg's parents as awful as he?

That's the real question. Where does ultimate blame lie? You have to think the household was a nauseating collection of smugness and greed.

Shame on you, Mark Zuckerberg's parents, for not coming out against the monstrosity you created.

As for the wife, well, you saw the wedding photo. Cyborgs of a feather.

Serving Notice!

to the douche. i give you one day to resolve the issue you have created (we'll just say "SEO" and leave it at that)....

the clock started at 7:00 am. so by 7:00 am tomorrow, the issue shall be resolved.

Cyborg intruders from an alien race

monitoring your every move via the borg's computer systems, code-named "Mark Zuckerberg's Privacy-Raping Ad Service"©.

© - not my term. credit to the individual who coined it. or "accurately identified the threat".

Mark Zuckerberg is damaging the Aspergers community

People are starting to think (because of Mark Zuckerberg's insufferable personality) that individuals "suffering from Aspergers" are really just selfish fucking assholes.

Destroying MZPRAS' advertising model should be your goal.

All of you who FAIL to use ad blockers while using "Mark Zuckerberg's Privacy-Raping Ad Service"© are by definition part of the problem.

© - the official and correct term. not my creation.

Everyone knows Mark Zuckerberg is "different".

They know that something isn't quite right there. That something is really off.

Ray Bourque should be allowed to defend his title.

He (and some others really) should have a lifetime invitation to the shooting accuracy event. He should be allowed to participate whenever he feels like it.

And he should get a substantial raise in his day job because that Berkshire Bank commercial is pitch perfect. His facial expressions, especially as he pins an opponent to the office boards, are priceless. He still has the ability to get into a mental zone of dominance on a moment's notice. It's simultaneously a tiny bit scary and just plain funny.

Impressive. Dude's the best.

I love Claudia Castillo

If police were forced to obey traffic laws, the safety of all drivers would improve dramatically, and lives would be saved.

Arrogance by police is the very first step in authoritarian government.

Claudia Castillo is one of the microscopically small percentage of people who would have the courage to do what she did, and to do so as calmly as she did.

Absolutely amazing, heroic act which will save lives, imo.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Net Effects

"Mark Zuckerberg's Privacy-Raping Ad Service"© has killed more people than marijuana.


© - i didn't make that up.

It's official.

All closely-cropped, preppy white dudes now look like serial killers to me.

Marco Rubio is a joke candidate.

A goof.

A "let's see what we can get away with" situation.

ie. "let's see exactly how much we control the rubeish partisans."

Marco Rubio is The Manchurian Man-Whore

The "Red Sox Town Hall" Event


take a horrible idea with no purpose or hope for success, add clingy media dude, and then, as the final insult, put the management team halfway towards the back of the stage for absolutely no good reason.

the end effect is the impression that the brass loathes nothing more than the idea of being forced to mix with the common folk, or even being close enough to them to have to smell them.

what a train wreck.

paid advertisement: train wreck puts you to sleep.

but yeah. what a disaster.

It's very surprising

How little desire I have to go into space, to the moon, or certainly to mars.

It's near zero. Maybe actually zero.

I wouldn't go even if you wrote me a blank check.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

How will Jeb emotionally deal with losing?

I think that's the most interesting question going forward.

But before even that, the young man (Jeb) needs to find an outlet to express himself, especially during this very stressful time. George can apparently paint so I think they should start having paint-parties tomorrow. I think Jeb should know that he can have those paint-parties any time he wants, and that everyone is proud of his paintings. I think it's important to get on that stat.

I saw an individual online say he was worried about Jeb's mental state, even to the point of worrying about him harming himself.

He does give off some signs of that, and of course that would not be desired. If he is as troubled internally as the candidate Jeb appears to be onstage, then compassion would clearly be called for to rule the day. In some ways that would be reminiscent of the royal in the King's Speech.

But his biggest problem as a candidate is his brother's administration; ie. the ultimate entangling alliance. He can't live without it, and he can't win with it. He should have just known that and never gotten into the race.

Good day.

The registration form for running for any political office should come with a warning label. CAUTION: politics is clinically proven to cause premature death. proceed at own risk.

All colleges with football programs should be sued.

There's no justification for engaging in what is essentially dog fighting with impressionable, supposedly intelligent minds.

Put a fork in this cultural relic.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Rubio's Price Sheet

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Windows 10 is a bridge too far.

I will not be bringing that software into my life.


I can not allow myself to be raped like that.

I have too much pride.

Rape the others if you must.

I of course will judge.

I'm still undecided.

I could go with either of them.

I like Love 22's financial expertise, especially in these difficult economic times.

But Vermin Supreme has real principles, and is incorruptible.

That's important to me.

That's important to me. ..

The exception which perhaps proves

there are no rules.

Hillary Clinton announces Jeb Bush will be VP

Bush pants and humps leg.


In retrospect,

it's quite often clear.

Especially for the experts.

Sounds like balloon juice ©

©  Huckabee on John Gibson show

In the robot era, there will be no concept of merit.

There will only be politics.

Willie Geist - swing and a miss...

Apparently Joe is disgusted with his predictive incompetence and has banished him from the studio.

Either that or he's just ascared to come on and a take a his a lumps.  a.


CORRECTION: Rupert Murdoch did NOT give $50 million

to veteran's causes last night. As of this point we do not believe that this report was accurate, and in fact we have no reason to believe that he contributed anything at all.

We apologize for the error and for embarrassing that open borders douche in such a way.

HOWEVER, he may be the mystery one million dollar donor, so if that is the case, I'm sure the veterans thank him.

Is Matthew Trevithick CIA?

I mean at first glance, purely from a visual standpoint, all signs point to, and blink, yes. He is a central casting type of fellow, with the familiar dead-eyed stare indicating either brainwashed catatonia or a constant self-monitoring and expression-control process.

It's also somewhat funny how many of these sorts of incidents involve people from Hingham. Other than these sorts of things, you almost literally never hear the town's name. Funny, you know. When you look back, usually those anecdotes prove to be indicative that a federal organization is working clandestinely from the site.

Moving on.

Do you think it's your job to keep CIA agents identities' secret? (Dick Cheney and George W. Bush say "It's complicated. Have they pissed me off in the past?")

What if they are trafficking in cocaine and weapons? Still?

What if they are involved in child rape and human trafficking? Still?

What if their actions are simply in violation of American law and principles?

What if you see a CIA agent torturing an Iranian to death?

Would you stay silent?

If Matthew Trevithick is NOT a member of the CIA, then the Iranians treated him wrongly and they not only owe him an apology but they should compensate him financially. I would say $150,000 is probably sufficient.

Also, Fuck the CIA for being so fucking awful that they've made every single conspiracy theory about them not only plausible, but generally speaking, vastly under-stative of the actual illegal and immoral behaviors involved.

They are some truly sick fucks. Yes, I'll allow them to stay around in case I decide I want to use them again in the future (they are, in fact, only in existence to serve me when I decide they must), but I'll not again be fooled by their distraction and denial tactics. Their job is to lie to me. I'd have to be a real douche to believe them.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Marco Rubio is super cute.

He will make a fine man-whore.

Sales of "Art of the Deal" up 264,000%


Bush dynasty goes gently...

The Gnashing

Gnashing, gnashing,...

Of the teeth

In the 2016 Presidential season

there are about a dozen big name candidates vying for office.

Of those, only like 3 believe that the definition of a "nation" includes borders.

25% of our candidates for President believe a nation must have defensible borders.

75% of the candidates for President disagree.

aaaand Trump.





"Was this true, Grandpa? Was this really the way it was back then?"

"Yes, my fine young friend, and it's an important lesson for everyone to remember. People can get so confused and greedy for cheap labor or easy votes that they're willing to redefine basic concepts in their minds without even realizing it, until one day they're regularly, openly, and vocally defending the indefensible.

People can get very... let's say.. confused, at times..."

"Creepy. Ok I'm going to fly to Jimmy's house."

"Back before nine!"

(*harumph*) .. "fine.."

If a police officer's dashcam/audio is not operational

during an officer involved shooting, it should be an automatic felony.

DOES THAT HELP, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS? good. you're welcome.

Jeb's exclamation point has resigned...

Says he doesn't think the candidate's performance justifies...


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I think you should quit before you're tough to look at.

John McCain is officially tough to look at at this point and it's selfish of him to continue to force his disturbing face and soulless eyes into the public square.

When Jeb Bush speaks...

people fall asleep.

Finding Common Ground Via Poetry

Hey FLDS members, don't be blue

the prophet mohammed was a pedophile too.

at times it can appear difficult to ever fully pry religion and child rape completely apart from one another. just one of those weird things, you know? at least some religions' Gods/prophets aren't actually the ones promoting the behavior so credit there.

So Rupert Murdoch is giving $50 million to Wounded Warriors

in order to get Trump to show at the debate? Did I hear that correctly?

Well, fair enough. Maybe Rupert's not as bad as Roger.

If a correction is necessary it will be provided within 6 to 8 months.

If you can't do...

become a "television journalist" and see if you can use enough sleight of hand to convince a partisan audience that you know things you do not actually know.

Television journalism (financial and political being the most extreme examples) is a




He has bent or broken every rule of politics to this point

but yes, you should still care about and pay me for my expertise as to these hard and fast and undeniably correct rules.

i mean i spent a lot of time studying them so...


Iowa Caucus Joers Go

funny misspeak

Willie Geist predicts Tump will show, and will enter to

raucous music and may, perhaps, rip off a tattered shirt upon entering the stage.

Prediction recorded.

Also, Willie, Fred Toucher's show is better than yours now. Much. Every day. Though he is jealous of your financial success.

edit: his individual work is better than yours, and the show is better, but both shows of course have lots of filler. and he and i both respect your work in general, it's just that you're kind of phoning it in these days. everything ok? you seem a bit distracted. distant. aloof. if you need me i'm here.

Genuflecting before media douchebags, ESPECIALLY execs

is bizarre and illogical.

It's as illogical as genuflecting before Donald because you think it'll make him respect you.

It may get him to talk to you, I won't deny that, so if that's your goal, fine. But don't think that it makes him like or respect you. It most certainly does not. It makes him know that whenever he needs to he can roll you and win.

Also, as to "experts"

most are paid to intentionally spread misinformation. This is a fact. Literally. That's their job. To lie to you and get you confused. This is not a conspiracy theory. History is full of proof. It happens all day every day.

They lie, you propagate it.

Get to work, loser!

I don't trust female anchors/reporters UNLESS

I can see cleavage and the skirt stops halfway down the thigh.

and they are oddly pale, washed out and blonde.

otherwise i'm skeptical of the depth of their expertise and understanding of the things they're word-holing about.

Israel-firsters say Syrian refugees belong back in Syria

in a carved out section of their own country, at least eventually.

They also believe that Jews who want your land should get it, regardless of whether or not you have personally done anything to them.

Grotesque, vile, delusional scumbags.

Course I agree with them, and think "Israel" as a fabricated nation-state belongs in the heart of Germany within the boundaries of the nation whose actions were used as the final justification for the grabbing of others' land.

Imagine the problems we'd have avoided were that the case. But not for too long. It can sometimes be difficult to come back to "what is" once you see "what should have been".

Pehaps Trump is establishing a precedent

that the key to winning an election is ignoring the waste of time that is fox news, thereby allowing more people to stand up to media losers and putting their trust directly in the people, bypassing the scumbags who think that because they talk about politics on television all day, that their opinions somehow matter more than anyone else's.

They do not.

They know nothing.

But they can breathlessly speculate with the best of them.

That can be more entertaining than a blank screen, so in terms of entertainment value I suppose it has nonzero value.

Remember, according to all experts, Iran was 6 months away from a nuclear weapon over ten years ago, and would wipe Israel off the map if they were not immediately invaded.

Funny how time passes and shit does or does not happen.

But Fox News itself is not funny, it's just a mess of confused hangers-on who, along with so many others, simply rely on your willingness to believe that they know more than you, simply by virtue of their faces being on your screen.

lol@u for believing them.

Anti-Trump GOP gonna have to vote for Bernie Sanders

or Hillary Clinton.

Either way,


Roger Ailes is a diseased individual.

A grotesque bully who has finally met his match.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The idea of "experts" in politics and foreign affairs

is, by and large, something stupid loser retard following sheep believe in.

For the most part, no matter how long they've "been in the business", your GUESS will prove to be just about exactly as accurate as theirs as to future developments. Also most of what they say is either completely uninformed or intentionally misleading.

Even if they talk slowly and condescendingly.

Or if they pepper you with "facts".

They still don't actually know much more than you about the future, though they may know some additional details about the various ways in which individuals in the US government are currently, actively violating the rights of others they view as insubordinate, because governments are filled with fucking loser politicians, their political appointees and various associated barnacles.

And the US military is full of psychopathic killers who would kill 99/100 Americans if it meant they'd be one of the surviving 1%.

Uniforms and Medals indicate a GREATER likelihood of scumbaggery and narcissism, NOT LESS.

Trump not going to the Fox Debate LOL




If George H. W. Bush Is NOT Gay

well, then he certainly fooled me.

THAT, which you see when George H. W. Bush speaks, moves, walks, laughs, etc. is POLITICAL ACTING that hides every fiber of his true self.

You know exactly nothing about the real person behind that facade (you are not alone. HE barely knows anything about him).

You would never want to spend a single second behind closed doors with the real person, because that real person is still hiding underneath 7 layers of political costume.

That's what you get with political dynasties. You get the inbred retardation of a normal functioning societal "shakeout".

You get the turds falling through the filter.

You get W's.

Jeb doesn't matter and doesn't even warrant a mention but I specify that here for temporal clarity. One might otherwise assume I have strong feelings about him. I do not. I just hate his fucking disgusting family.

On Barbara Bush

If yours looks and acts like that creature (what exactly is it? are you 100% sure? and would it surprise you if George H. W. was a closet homosexual child predator in a marriage of total convenience?), you need to distance yourself from its conclusions, mandates and beliefs.

She taught her children a wonderfully important lesson - how to act like a human being while the peasants are watching.

She unfortunately did not teach them much about how to actually function like one.

That's really why...

They ruined the Uno's Pizza commercial because people were offended by the Italian accent.

That's really why they overdubbed it with the creepy weird voice that turned it from one of the very few "must watch commercials no matter how many times they play it" to an ear-injuring assault prompting the immediate channing of the channel.

Unbelievably funny. Was it here that I mentioned the "racial insensitivies" displayed in the casting, and that directing students should make additional versions? splicing in various politically correct faces in order to diversify the purely-scandinavian cast?

Never in my wildest dreams did I think people would be offended by the accent. Never.

But many people are.

Lots. Like not just 1 or 2.

I can't be certain, but I think my late 100%, second generation Italian American stepfather from East Boston circa 1920's and 30's would have had a field day recreating the words from the ad in exactly the same sort of exaggerated accent as was in the original version.

Because he was fun.

But like I said, I can't be certain because he's gone now.

Thank goodness for the insatiable curiosity of the Zolak for getting to the bottom of it.

The Free College Movement Has Poor Timing

It'll be free without you lifting a finger within 20 years because there is












with the few exceptions of the actual research and labwork, etc. that requires such infrastructure.

An undergraduate education requires a functioning computer and internet connection and nothing else.

So it should cost you maybe $500 in total fees, etc. Instead, we will continue to funnel more and more "free" money into the institutions for no good reason, other than perhaps the opportunity for 19 year olds to get together, drink beer and rape and sodomize each other, within the "safety of school grounds".

So I watched that documentary "Prophet's Prey" about

the polygamist Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints Church. It's a fantastic documentary, but man does it stretch your understanding of the human mind to uncomfortable extents.

The fact is a wiry loser found a way to convince (apparently) fully-functioning grown men and women to hand over their 12 year old daughters to be raped and impregnated by him, while also handing over their entire paychecks from working 20+ hour shifts to the church to help enslave others. (in a sense it's like those handing over control of their lives to Mark Zuckerberg's privacy-raping ad service, but that analogy is admittedly quite thin).

Truly amazing and for the ones who escaped, it's wonderful to see how normal they sound and how clearly they appear to be thinking.

Jeffs apparently gets direct information from God, but NEVER anything specific, except when it is specific, and the prediction fails to come through, at which point he blames the failure for the prophesy to be fulfilled on the impurity of his flock.


God loves to tease, eh? What a shitty, selfish, child-raping God. He gives you just enough information to make incorrect predictions... HAHAHAHAHA

File Under: Gross.

Mark Zuckerberg announces the new "Privacy-raping ad service 2.0" ©

with a familiarly creepy, off-putting grin and overall expression that just never looks quite right.

© i didn't make that up

"So I Married A Psychopath," by Priscilla Chen-Zuckerberg

aka Mrs. Mark Zuckerberg.

the book's gonna be a doozy, i'm telling you. gonna be lots of angry people that trusted that mutant freak.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Weekend, 2 game series.

The NHL hockey season should largely consist of 2 game series played in the same arena.

ie. the Bruins against the Flyers in Philly, on Friday and Saturday night. or Friday night and Sunday afternoon, even though i generally hate matinees.

You are welcome.

(yes, this probably requires ditching the policy of having every team play in every other arena at least once)

i imagine this could cut down on flight costs by 15-17%.

i also imagine it would make for a better, more marketable product and therefore higher ticket sales.

if necessary, roster expansion should be allowed.

It Looks... Gritty...

and shrouded in the familiar, pale graywash of winter on the north shore...

which doesn't exactly differentiate it much from priors or anything. just documentin' the facts.

i look forward to seeing "Manchester-By-The-Sea"

People really hate the fact that Shakespeare in Love won Best Picture.

Specifically that it beat Saving Private Ryan.

I disagree with them. I'm glad SIL won. There will be a gazillion more SPRs in the future. War movies are basically 2 hour long cliches filled with hero worship and embarrassing nationalist pandering and racism.

I guess you could say that about many things, but SIL was a unique, fun, wonderfully inspirational and visually appealing journey filled with near perfect performances throughout the cast....... (Ben Affleck excepted but that is to be assumed in all of his performances. he really sucks as an actor when he's doing anything but paddling freshmen in high school hazing rituals).

I believe that you can learn life lessons from SIL, whereas SPR, like all war movies, is focused strictly on the ways individuals react and respond to the most stressful, life-threatening situations imaginable. Sure, that's nice to know and all and maybe will come in handy when the apocalypse hits, but barring that, it really didn't tell me anything I didn't know or am likely to need to know in the future.

Whereas the simple concept of, "I dunno.... It's a mystery" has served me well consistently through the years.

Also, the fact that individuals of that time regularly walked in on each other having sex with their mistresses and did so without any hint of concern for any sort of propriety was quite funny.

Course I'm sure part of my affinity for the film is probably due to the fact that I saw it during my first few weeks of my California experience and as such was in a great place (Cupertino... apparently that is near where the nerds live... thankfully i have escaped their nerdishness) to embrace such a message, but there's nothing I can do about that. I still would rather watch SIL again than SPR if I had to choose one.

Not to mention the fact that any moment spent watching Tom Sizemore is an annoying moment that feels like you're watching Steven Segal or Chuck Norris (ie. an absurdly overrated-by-most, waste of time in 99.5% of cases) so I'd rather not have to do that again.


Frank Vatrano should be signed to a 5 year contract

Donald can you heaah me?

5 years with a reasonable to slightly better than reasonable aav.

That kid is a Bruin and will not suffer from "too much security". He's filthy hungry, willing to play within the system, has high hockey IQ, great speed, great shot, loves to hit, and appears to be the type of guy I'd want to be on road trips with (assuming that doesn't get out of control but my sense is that it's not going to, at least not for a few years).

YOU DON'T WAIT AROUND ON THOSE ONES. THIS IS WHAT A GM IS, RECOGNIZE THE KEEPS AND NOT KEEPS... DUHHHH.........  you gather up all the keeps and you deal the not keeps...

Colin Miller, same.

Morrow, deal.

Trotman, play by ear.

Of course Loui is the sticker, and they're almost certainly not going to be able to afford him. If he's going to move, they need to approach PB and let him know that it will be another lost season. I don't think they want to do that so Loui probably can't be moved. So another UFA, literally the most desirable UFA by far for a contending team will likely walk for nothing. (2nd year in a row perhaps. Carl was up there with the best ufa's last year. Told ya so on that one. What a waste. You worked so hard to get him and then let him just fall through your fingers... bad...

Back to the point at hand, these decisions are based purely, 100% on the individuals involved, and this is a case where you just need to get it done and then make sure Claude treats him accordingly, and not like some disposable, replaceable piece (that does not mean guaranteed playing time in the short term, however it does mean that, when possible, the extra opportunity to succeed should be provided).

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Wow that's ironic.

Bill Belichik's extra point rule change cost him a Super Bowl! in the FIRST YEAR OF THE RULE!


Ok I apologize and take it back.

I don't wish ill on anyone, including Dick Cheney, even if he is a psychopath responsible for the callous murder of thousands.

Where to draw the line between "to judge or not to judge", eh? Pope Francis? I guess the idea is that we are all shapeable, and therefore, there but for the Grace... (Dick Cheney of course, would immediately begin to think, "see, not so easy, huh? you'd have done the same thing if you were in my position and knew what I knew.. assuming you had the BALLS... which you wouldn't..." but he would of course be wrong in his self-serving logical progression). Especially given the simple fact that most, if not all psychopaths suffered unthinkable abuses, generally from the very earliest ages.

My goodness how does one stay sane when they have to interact with evil behavior on a regular basis, regardless of the personal histories of the offenders? How could one possibly remain a good Christian, and resist the urge to hate? How does one do that?

Were it not for some recent examples of individuals forgiving their trespassers I might doubt that it was possible in the more extreme cases, or over a sufficient amount of time. But we do have those examples, so we must choose whether to accept their existence and allow them to influence our behavior, or not, allowing our behavior to remain more closely aligned with our more instinctual, primal response.

If one cared about their decision-making, one might then begin to ask themselves what a legitimate moral framework might be for being the best Christian one can be, while recognizing the right of individuals to use any force necessary to defend themselves.

I think the end result of all these pursuits is the same as the end of the alcoholics' journey - acquiescence to a higher power, total acceptance of one's own moral failings and limitations being equal to others', and a dedication to a life of non-judgement, or i guess at least "non-vengeance", vs. judgment (and vengeance).

It makes me wonder what God Antonin Scalia believes in, and how that belief relates to God's granting of wartime victories to the United States.

If I had to guess, I would say it's probably the same God Dick Cheney believes in.

I wonder how closely their lines of "God blessed us here and damned us here because of liberals" would track if plotted on a timeline or some other visual aid.

A case could be made

that David Ortiz is the single most selfish "player" in baseball history.

"Heck no I won't play first base, even though the team desperately needs me to. That's not what I signed up for and I could get hurt playing defense so no, I won't."

"How dare you not give me a hit on that play? I'll see you after the game."

"How dare you call a strike on me, man? How dare you not grant me special privileges because of my fame as team mascot? I earned that shi, man."

His "leadership" has resulted in 3 out of 4 years of last place finishes. This past season, the two free agents that most notably followed his lead turned in two of the worst, most insulting and pathetic performances in major league history. In Ramirez' case, it was the laziest and most catastrophic defensive effort by any player in the history of the game at any competitive level. Comically, embarrassingly bad on a daily basis. Literally helped sink his team to the bottom of the league because he wouldn't try.

So yeah, pick and choose your data points, sure. As one who has seen the Dominican Con Man's shtick for over a decade, my data tells me that this guy's a selfish, narcissistic clown who wouldn't know a hard day's work if it punched him in the face.

Fuck you, D!


The people at the top

of national security in any culture are predominantly psychopathic.

I hope Dick Cheney dies soon. I hope Liz Cheney has come to terms with her father's nature. I do not believe she has and I do not expect her to, certainly not any time soon.

Hey Dick, dead yet?


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Perhaps the most important function of social pressure

is to keep you willing to accept humiliation and poor health amidst your miserable days doing work you hate at a job from which you'd like nothing better than to quit.

While financially supporting and literally spending your time CARING about the lives of richer, smarter, faster, stronger, "better" people than yourselves.... at your own expense!! hahaha......

holy shit that's funny. you ACTUALLY care about a family named "The Kardashians".

Impressive mind control, indeed.

Antonin Scalia believes the poor crop season is

cuz of the gays.

Antonin Scalia is quite literally delusional.

Light dawns on dimwit's head

For the first time in my life, as a result of the recent Simpsons episode, I just now thought about why the Philadelphia 76ers are named the 76ers.

It took me all these years.

It had simply never occurred to me before this moment, and only then because they showed a hat with the logo, and it didn't look quite right and it got me thinking.

It's probably due to the fact that they're usually referred to as the Sixers, which tends to hide the full context. It's like how surprised I was to learn that the Seattle Sonics were actually the "Super"Sonics. Alas, they are no longer.

People post things about sports media.

This is a factual statement. They spend energy attacking dudes who sit behind microphones and whose job it is to annoy people and make them unable to turn off the station because they are 'SO WRONG AND STUPID!!!'

They are attacking barnacles hanging off the hull of the barge. Can you imagine the degree of flawed perspective in all matters big and small that leads to this behavior?

What's the MMA concussion protocol?


Just when baseball was actually looking like baseball again

we have this argument about adding the (unrestricted) DH to the NL.

uggh. What absolutely terrible timing.

Kansas City is the new standard bearer. How did they win?

Was it a big fat lazy selfish PED-using swing for the fences then go sit and take selfies douche? No. It was actual baseball. Speed, pitching, defense, and legitimate offense like situational hitting, some bunting, steals, etc. combined with the occasional bomb.

You are seeing the same evolution across the game as the large-headed roid freaks (save Ortiz to this point) retire. The Boston Red Sox now have the most defensively sound 9 man defensive unit that they've had in years, except for the Hanley Ramirez embarrassment of course, and the fat Panda disaster, though he may yet rebound. But both of those players. who were taken under fuckface David Ortiz' wing last season as they were new to the organization, were completely ostracized by the young guys who now have to spend time pretending like they respect the steroid using fraudulent clown in his sad, pathetic, "please please tell me you love me" tour that will be more nauseating and disingenuous than any you have ever seen before.

From their statements at this weekend meeting when they were asked to talk about Ortiz, they ALL know he's a joke but they are professional enough to say mostly "the right things." But it's the way they said them that showed me they hated having to say them. They were uncomfortable and felt forced to lie. That told me so much.

Anyways, back to the original point. The game is finally changing BACK to actual baseball, and now they want to pull the rug out from under the progress made by these hard-working (SMALL MARKET) teams which allows them to compete, by MAKING THE LARGER CONTRACTS LESS DANGEROUS TO THE TEAMS BY ALLOWING THEM TO STUFF CLOWNS AT DH FOR ENTIRE CAREERS.. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME YOU TURDS?

Apparently actual baseball doesn't sell enough tickets to support their outsized financial expectations, so now they will make it even worse for everyone but the largest markets by allowing them to toss money at losers like Hanley Ramirez and then when it turns out that he's a classless clown who's bad for the team, just throw him in the DH spot and blast the audience with commercials of the dude smiling so we all forget what a fucking dick he is.

Fuck that.

Fuck them.

If the NL adopts full-time career DH'ing as an option, I shit you not I will have watched the last major league baseball game of my life. The idea of watching sports is, itself, fucking stupid and the degree to which many adults dedicate themselves to it is more than a little embarrassing (it is in fact pathetic), but at least in the past we've had the illusion of supporting individuals who succeeded as a result of hard work and discipline, rather than taking the easy way out at



of their



I hope David Ortiz gets injured early in this season (not life-threatening of course, just career ending, and I mean it) so that his farewell tour will be an accurate representation of the rest of his career - a fraudulent, marketing driven lie based on illegal substances and the fact that he DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME OF BASEBALL.

Creating a fake position so that people who are TOO OLD TO PLAY THE GAME, OR SIMPLY COULD NEVER ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME so that fat one-toolers can stay on teams for marketing purposes is an insult to everyone who works hard at anything. It's also sad and pathetic. For each old guy who is shuffled off, a new young player gets a chance. That I had to point that out to you is again, embarrassing and indicative of your stupidity.

So do me a favor, dickheads. Go ahead and make this change, and by doing so, free up for me the amount of time I'd normally spend paying attention to grown men in tight pants. All such developments which free me from spending time doing the stupid shit I fell into as a result of my surroundings during my upbringing (ie. watching sports as anything more than an occasional background noise) is essentially a positive development in my life.

Just know that I will also be spending more time pointing out to people how embarrassing it is to watch them fawn over millionaires who don't care about them. ie. make this change and I'll no longer resist the urge to tell people how dumb the idea of being a fan really is.

Do as I say, or you will be my sworn enemy for life, and I'll help point out to young people how boring the game really is.

Moments of Justification

Art Garfunkel on CNN is one of those moments that justifies cable news.

5 minutes, maybe. Nothing earth-shattering or inflammatory. No unnecessary drama. Nice human stories. Etc.

That was a wonderful interview. He feels no compulsion to overdo it and pander. That was the key for me. Pandering means dishonest. It means you don't care whether you tell the truth or not. You only care about the immediate gratification of pretending like you agree with someone when you do not.

Along those lines, it's fun watching nice people deal with awkward moments. Like when the host said his friend only remembered about 30 minutes of the iconic New York concert. Art felt no need to pretend like he wanted to go down that road of promoting drug use. If you can not do that, if you can not say no in an awkward moment, even by simply staying silent, you are drastically limiting your ability to be a good person.

Learning to say no (literally or figuratively) is the very first step in being a good person.

As the Pope says, a priest's first job is not to preach but to pray. What might that require? Saying no to too many demands on one's time. What would happen otherwise? The ability to empathize and be present would be reduced.

Ok we've gone far afield at this point (and in so doing, probably revealing the deeper, essentially self-serving reasons why I particularly enjoyed that segment).

Point is, thank you Art for taking a moment to talk about what may prove to be a meaningful political statement, which consisted of to little more than finding the right moment to say "Yes."

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What an incredible family.

Bruins captain Zdeno Chara with Denna Laing and her family

Think Will has to ask Jada for permission?

I do. Poor guy deserves so much better but no good deed goes unpunished and that poor fellow made a mistake early on but didn't want to go back on his vows because he's a good person and she's awful i mean just awful.

and apparently, stunningly un-self-aware.

Jada Pinkett Smith

is queen melodramatic of first world problems of the elite.

You could not force me to spend 5 minutes with that personality. You could not pay me enough to be around her on any sort of regular basis. Can you imagine the never-ending stream of perceived injustices?

No thanks.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mark Zuckerberg

might be the most destructive coward in the history of the world.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Marijuana is among the most extensively safety-tested substances of all time.

Also, root beer and marijuana go together quite well.

Here's my take...

does that sound "journalistic" to you?

Perhaps it should?

"Sean Penn is not a journalist"

is something ONLY stupid people say.

Jarmal Reid is a loser

and any team that has him on it is disgusting.

any college that pays him to continue to represent them should be banned from sports.

Jarmal Reid WILL prey on innocent people as he goes about his future career as a criminal thug.

Jarmal Reid WILL sexually abuse his daughter in the future.

Jarmal Reid WILL NOT succeed in life and will bring others down with him. First up is that school if it keeps him on the payroll.

edit: there's an 'r' in there

Marcus Smart

is one of my favorite new athletes of the millennium.

I stand by my Xander Bogaerts / Marcus Smart parallel. I think they are similarly poised to establish themselves as standouts of their generations, for similar reasons of professionalism, intelligence and hard work. Xander worked himself into a gold glove-worthy defensive performance after showing little to no natural defensive abilities until last season. And it seems like every morning there's another Smart highlight that's all about Garnett-esque want-to.

For shiggles it would be funny to throw them into an ad campaign with David Pastrnak. David's smile and enthusiasm would be a nice addition in terms of the media posters, etc. He's not at the same level as the other two yet in his career but has shown a consistent willingness to learn and work on his areas of weakness that have led to the career explosions of the other two.

It's enjoyable to watch such effort and performance from young players still finding their way.

The #1 reason people oppose marijuana legalization

is that marijuana usage exposes the fucking retardation in much of our social norms (particularly those that tend to lead to authority worship), and those individuals who have dedicated their lives to succeeding among and inside those social norms feel their "victory" being taken away from them.

Marijuana frees you from social straight jackets imposed by those who (unknowingly voluntarily) wear essentially same. They live in a "self-imposed" straight jacket by virtue of their acceptance of and acquiesence to social norms, regardless of the validity of such norms. The popularity of an idea is all that they need to measure legitimacy and morality. In short, they are FUCKING STUPID BY VIRTUE OF NEVER HAVING SMOKED MARIJUANA, and are in line for the most AMAZING, MIND-EXPANDING EXPERIENCE OF THEIR LIVES when they finally get the courage to tell their stupid moms to stfu because they can make their own choices.




now, to prove the point, i have empathy for them and i understand completely, much better than they themselves of course, what their motivations are. Knowing those motivations, knowing what they REALLY are saying and doing helps me avoid the exhausting and time-wasting experience of "debating" them in favor of LIVING MY LIFE as I SEE FIT.


Every single person

still supporting marijuana prohibition would have made an excellent Nazi.

You stupid fucking disgusting pieces of selfish trash. KILL. YOUR. SELVES. and let free people live freely.

You watch these loser bureaucratic do-nothing nobodies wandering around Colorado looking at pot plants like children looking at the toys they desperately want but cannot have for fear of being yelled at by their stupid selfish moms (so of course they'll just wait until Mom is out of the room before playing with the toy and then lie about it afterwards) and you realize how truly childish and pathetic the whole concept of paternal government really is.

Is there anything more obnoxious, stupid and disgusting than a wiry nerd or a fat turd who thinks it's his job to protect other adults from themselves?

Stupid Moms beget Stupid Bureaucrats.

Stupid Dads beget destructively selfish stupid assholes.


(the known catastrophically destructive process of prohibition must.. you know... be maintained... at least for a while here.. it's for your own good.. i want to make sure you're ready for legalization when it comes... i want to make sure you can do it right... again, it's all for your own good.)


Monday, January 18, 2016

The belief in the viability of "collective celibacy"

is a childlike delusion designed to maintain the illusion of the "perfect" (ie. pure) in the imperfect realm.

Fact is, by and large, most kids are fucking awful too. It's just that they're fortunately small and weak and we can generally scare them when we need to.

So you're trying to maintain a delusion about a state that is based on your misunderstanding of an earlier state... and even though you you yourself had to pass through this earlier state, you are still unwilling to accept its true nature.





The floating orb of inclusivity.

Ever see that screen saver that looks like a magnifying glass is wandering over various parts of the screen? That's essentially how we see the world, certainly when it comes to areas of interpretation.

I agree with Aaron Rodgers

The NFL has missed an amazing opportunity to allow for back and forth, tet ... a tet?? iunno.. scoring in playoff overtime by allowing each team to "equal or better" the other.

so if they score 3, you score 3 to continue, or a td to win.

they score a td, you score a td to continue or its over.

it could make nfl playoff overtime as exciting as nhl playoff overtime. well not as exciting but exciting in a similar way.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Insist... insist upon... insists upon him/her/itself

insists insists insists....

talk about insists

talked about it before




tic. tic. tic.

I hated The Martian.

nearly as much as I hated Star Wars.

In the interest of saying something positive, I thought both films were extremely visually pleasing.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Sometimes we have these moments where

we essentially discredit ourselves.


METAIRIE, La. (AP) -- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said Saturday the idea of religious neutrality is not grounded in the country's constitutional traditions and that God has been good to the U.S. exactly because Americans honor him.
Scalia was speaking at a Catholic high school in the New Orleans suburb of Metairie, Louisiana. Scalia, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986 is the court's longest serving justice. He has consistently been one of the court's more conservative members.
He told the audience at Archbishop Rummel High School that there is "no place" in the country's constitutional traditions for the idea that the state must be neutral between religion and its absence.
"To tell you the truth there is no place for that in our constitutional tradition. Where did that come from?" he said. "To be sure, you can't favor one denomination over another but can't favor religion over non-religion?"
He also said there is "nothing wrong" with the idea of presidents and others invoking God in speeches. He said God has been good to America because Americans have honored him.
Scalia said during the Sept. 11 attacks he was in Rome at a conference. The next morning, after a speech by President George W. Bush in which he invoked God and asked for his blessing, Scalia said many of the other judges approached him and said they wished their presidents or prime ministers would do the same.
"God has been very good to us. That we won the revolution was extraordinary. The Battle of Midway was extraordinary. I think one of the reasons God has been good to us is that we have done him honor. Unlike the other countries of the world that do not even invoke his name we do him honor. In presidential addresses, in Thanksgiving proclamations and in many other ways," Scalia said.

Fortunate Cowardice

i'm far too cowardly to ever become addicted to hard drugs.

now that i think about it, i guess most forms of cowardice can be termed "fortunate" at least (usually) from the perspective of the individual's own self-preservation.

but no, i will never, under any circumstances, save perhaps the complete unavailability of healthier options like marijuana, stick a needle in my arm or start regularly taking opioid pills in order to "get wasted". it's just not in my blood.