Tuesday, January 26, 2016

So I watched that documentary "Prophet's Prey" about

the polygamist Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints Church. It's a fantastic documentary, but man does it stretch your understanding of the human mind to uncomfortable extents.

The fact is a wiry loser found a way to convince (apparently) fully-functioning grown men and women to hand over their 12 year old daughters to be raped and impregnated by him, while also handing over their entire paychecks from working 20+ hour shifts to the church to help enslave others. (in a sense it's like those handing over control of their lives to Mark Zuckerberg's privacy-raping ad service, but that analogy is admittedly quite thin).

Truly amazing and for the ones who escaped, it's wonderful to see how normal they sound and how clearly they appear to be thinking.

Jeffs apparently gets direct information from God, but NEVER anything specific, except when it is specific, and the prediction fails to come through, at which point he blames the failure for the prophesy to be fulfilled on the impurity of his flock.


God loves to tease, eh? What a shitty, selfish, child-raping God. He gives you just enough information to make incorrect predictions... HAHAHAHAHA

File Under: Gross.

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