Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Football is simply unwatchable now.

I can't deal with all the interruptions. I just can't. Delayed start in order to fit in commercials (to be fair, all sports do this now). Commercial after a kickoff, before the first play is run. Commercial on change of possession. Commercial on instant replay review. Commercial for timeout. Commercial in between quarters. Automatic review on turnovers. Commercial for timeout. Automatic review on all scoring plays. "External review" for the last 2 minutes. Commercial after a score. Commercial after the kickoff after a score, even if it's a touchback. Commercial for timeout. Commercial for injury. Commercial, commercial, commercial, commercial, commercial, commercial, commercial.

I refuse to sit through it all so I end up flicking back and forth between the game and something else. It's comical once you start to see exactly how much time is actually involved in playing the game. It can't be more than 10% of the entire broadcast.

Afaiac, that constitutes "unwatchable". I shudder to think what the experience will be like in person in a few weeks when, instead of the relatively enjoyable experience of watching television commercials (or flicking to another program), you get to stand still, in the freezing cold, perhaps drinking an $8 beer, watching a field full of people standing around doing nothing, but doing nothing in front of massive heating devices.

I wish I had said "no, thanks."

Update: the downtime is much more tolerable in person. perhaps it's simply being surrounded by so many people who are in such a good mood, or perhaps it's the in-between goings on that keep it interesting, or perhaps it's simply more tolerable to be able to watch the players going about their business during the delays. i don't know for sure, but the experience sure was fun, even with the 20 degree temperatures and 10 degree wind chill.

So Tyson was "on drugs" during some fights...

Which leads us to the following question:

Why the hell does anyone care if a fighter smokes marijuana before, during, or after a fight?

Same goes for something like heroin, or acid.

Why would anyone care, other than bettors who bet on that specific fighter?

Cocaine, or other stimulants are a different story. Steroids, of course. But marijuana?

What a ridiculous waste of time and money.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Russia proved me very wrong.

I was adamant that the members of Pussy Riot would never serve out their entire terms, and that they would all likely be released within 6 months.

I was adamant that western media was playing up the angle of the hard-line Russian government cracking down on free expression in the country, and that Russia would prove that "they are just like us" by showing leniency after making a public display, essentially to "prove a point and send a message".


Looks like at least one of those girls is still in prison to this day. Shame on you, Russians. I'm disappointed in you.