Monday, November 30, 2015

All Lives Matter

and All Lives put themselves at risk by going on a drug-infused violent crime spree and brandishing a weapon when approaching police officers.

ALL Lives.

I think the appropriate sentence is 5 years for Van Dyke.

Based strictly on the video, that seems appropriate.

As for the deceased, zero fucks given. Seriously. Do not care. Scumbag who deserved to die one way or another.

Shame on the Turkish soccer team

for not openly rejecting the behavior of their fangoons booing during the moment of silence...

assuming they have not come out and openly denounced it since, in no uncertain terms...

and assuming the interpretation of the event is accurate...

as a society, it's your job to keep your most disgusting stupids in line through social pressure and ostracization. there are only a few times when it's justified, but supporting the "popular bunch of Islamic scumbags of the day" is quite obviously one of those times, even if you yourself are Islamic.

update: looks like at least some of them did just that, while some others appear to be attempting to play both sides by making empty public statements while essentially dog whistling to the wide-eyed loser terrorist crowd.

cowardly. i bet those individuals smell terrible and abuse their wives on a regular basis.

Know Thy Self

Members of the media need, at all times, to be led, without concern for the vast majority of their concerns as they are unimportant and almost never justified.

Of course I say this only to those leaders who have legitimate reason to believe their own process is superior to the evolutionary result of institutional groupthink journalism.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Ever notice?

affability often carries with it an implied undercurrent of intimidation and ultimately force.

"regionally identifiable affability" probably uniquely so. it may include an invasion of personal space and even a slightly oddly forceful physical interaction (ie. the handshake and the pull/shoulder pat and stare).

it's almost exclusively a purely sex-specific dynamic. men with men. women with women. i guess this is the same with dogs, no? same sex fight, different sex humps?

it's a vortex moment. you can feel it swirling around you. it envelops you quickly, and you know you are about to make some important decisions that you did not expect to have to make. do i want to get involved with these tough guy nitwits or not? i mean they can be a lot of fun, but you know it's a countdown until the next violent, potentially catastrophic moment. and you know it's just a matter of time until they turn their anger towards you.

generally it's best to clam up and be boring. predators are quickly bored by the boring. i mean they often won't even continue to attack prey if it stops running and/or fighting back and just plays dead.

David Biro

Just saw a piece regarding this convicted murderer and the fact that one of the family member's of his victims is pushing for his release.

Ma'am, I admire greatly your ability to forgive and move on, but the man you are dealing with is most likely a legitimate psychopath who has already crossed a line from which one can never return. I disagree with your conclusion regarding his potential for release and I would strongly advise against such a decision.

Some individuals are, in fact, broken beyond repair, even from an early age. The "compensation" for any injustices he may have suffered prior to that point are paid for via extra privileges during his imprisonment for the rest of his life, not by his release back into free society.


The devil makes an appearance.

Or at least his advocate.

Sometimes individuals involved in a crime spree, who are aggressively carrying and displaying a knife in a threatening manner, get shot.

1st degree murder should simply not be an option in this situation. I mean it probably has to be in case they get the audio and you can hear him saying, "fuck it. i'm just gonna blast this n****r. i hate his family anyways." If that happened, then sure. 1st degree is entirely appropriate.

But an officer who overreacts to an individual on PCP, acting erratically, committing crimes with a deadly weapon, threatening lives by running in the middle of streets, etc... that's not 1st degee murder. It's manslaughter.

I'm not sure that the ridiculous number of shots changes this to any great degree. Had he been killed by the first shot, it seems to me to already be the same question, and it already seems like manslaughter is the right option. (or whatever allows for like a 15 year sentence). The extra shots, perhaps, add *something* to the charges, including desecration of a corpse at a certain point, but the entire "decision" still took place in a manner of seconds in an incredibly stressful situation with a known dangerous individual carrying and brandishing a weapon (he pulled out the knife just as he got close to the cop cars).

Guess what, black America, just like white America, but at a higher percentage in your case, some of y'all are just stupid, violent morons who do things that get people shot. That's "people", not just black people. In an interview on CNN where that woman journalist, (Camerota perhaps? does she wear above the knee skirts? i hope not. she apparently has actual talent) does an excellent job of confronting the interviewee with police shooting statistics by race, at which point the Black Lives Matter proponent immediately states that he doesn't believe it's primarily a race issue, but first and foremost a neighborhood policing issue. He did well in that moment, but the true test is whether he offers up those inconvenient truths in other contexts or not. Given that he did not do so in this instance, I am 100% sure that he never has, and never will when he's in a room with an audience that is ignorant of such things. That, of course, is the true test of a man.

Be careful how you play this one. I always expect mobs to get the vast majority of things wrong, so it's not like I'm expecting any better from you, but I'm letting you know that we are all always in danger of crying wolf too many times.

Come part way on this. Say "I can see how things could get out of control in this situation. He was acting crazy and pulling out a knife in the middle of a police chase. He was doing things that are very dangerous, and he looked ready to try to make an aggressive move at any moment. He was possibly only seconds away from attacking and being shot regardless. But the way it was handled was just not right. It just can't be allowed."

Ultimately stay focused on the only thing that really matters, because it's the only thing you can really change - police video and the policies regarding such. It's not up to you to decide how anyone will feel about you. Don't spend time on that wasteful exercise as a movement. Your movement is a follow-up to the video recording movement already well underway and the closer it stays to that core message, the more effective it will be in ALL areas it is concerned with.

Unless you are more concerned with personal recognition than actual progress, in which case, blab away and cause as many problems as possible for innocent local residents who are probably already on your side. Go ahead. Do it. Might feel good, right? dooooo iitttt....

Thursday, November 26, 2015

You need to teach patience

by releasing certain videos in the worst way possible, then at the right time, showing the rest of the video to disprove the worst assumptions and theories.

Like ten of those videos should do the trick and make an individual semi-permanently more patient when evaluating available video.

A "driver's ed" type of environment comes to mind.

I sometimes wonder

how many times I've been pickpocketed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Micro Tyrants

Fundamentalist Islamic males are, by definition, delusional, narcissistic, sexist, micro-tyrants. 

The same can generally be said for abusive police. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Reactionary Authoritarianism

CIA directors sometimes remind me of Saddam during the purge.

Mark Zuckerberg's face drives primal instincts.

There is something about his face, personality, everything about him really, that is prima facie objectionable.

Like the reaction you have to CGI faces that, for whatever reason, your gut feels are just "not-quite-right". Or like humanoid faces. Detached. Faking it, but without a natural underlying reality.

Like an invasive species that comes with smiling faces.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Wonders of Wonderful Cultural Differences

(paraphrasing) "it's like "Christopher Columbus discovering the new world".. we've been here doing this same thing for like six years. now all of the sudden the people seem to be noticing."


Larry Bird never wanted to be a complete player.

He was content to be strictly a long-distance shooter and wasn't willing to put in the work to do it all. He never got better at the other parts of the game, and never spent hours every off-season working on a specific new skill to bring into the next season.

One-tool Larry they still call him to this day.

Bobby Orr was content to be simply an offensive defenseman. He never concerned himself with playing an all-around game including dominating and punishing defense. He never bothered to block shots or play injured or anything like that. Nah.

One-tool Bobby was selfish that way.

Tom Brady never had a driving passion to work harder than everyone else, year after year, to understand the game and be better prepared than everyone around him, to set an example for the entire team to follow. Nah, he was always most concerned with photo ops on game day, including during the game. All he could ever do was throw a dink-and-dunk to the back.

One-tool Tommy.

DH'ing is, at best, taking extra batting practice. Have you seen the clips of DH's goofing off as they "practice" playing first base? Hur hur!! look at me!! i iz unprofessional clown throwing underhand so not to hurt my pretty shoulder. But I iz so funny! look at me smile!

Wheat from chaff moment here. Wheat says no full-time DH in the Hall as it's not a real position. Chaff says yes, while still arguing that PEDs "can't help you hit a baseball".

At the very least, hopefully this is the end of the "which of these things doesn't belong" question. The answer is objective and obvious.

The advantages of being a DH

are similar to the advantages of using PED's.

You understand that, right, dummy?

Change the rule. Put restrictions on the position, put a little exhibit in the hall to show the best of the age of full-time DH's and then end that horrible experiment and get back to a legitimate athletic competition rather than a home run derby.

In that same exhibit include a piece describing why the position was ended as a full-time position by explaining that DH'ing is not really playing baseball and no one should ever be confused by that again.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I don't know him or anything

but I sure do like that Troy Brown character.

Hearing a South Carolinian pronounce South Carolina is a itself a treat.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I have a follow-up question.

We allow illegals to pick crops because "Americans don't want to do those jobs."

Do Americans want to work construction?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Gustavo Santaolalla

Camino (2014)


tell me that last name is not fun to say

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Boxes is square, dog. Boxes is square.

Why not allow teams to take longer extra point attempts for more points?

45 yards? 2 pts.

52 yards? 3 pts.

You gotta humanize yourself, man.

Clinton, "I tried it, didn't like it and didn't inhale. heh.. lolz"

Bush, "Yeah I smoked pot. Did a little blow too. But I can't talk about it because I'm not proud of it."

Obama, "Shit, man, I used to be like Revis back in the day. Led the league in interceptions."

Carson, "I tried to stab a guy in the stomach but failed."



shiz is bettahthanevah

staying power

might be time to dive back in to this partickaler jonrah


High school football should be replaced by

um, literally just about anything.

it's like saying "let's have events where teenage kids crash their cars into each other at high speeds over and over and see who manages to stay upright long enough to exit his vehicle after the bell sounds and make his way to the exit under his own power. we will call that player the winner. we of course do not expect any."

The point is that learning is (can/will be) a video game.

And everyone prefers video games to real life when "close simulations" are available.

Never is this more true than in learning. (no more erasing. no more mistakes. no more sick days, etc. you know the drill. the whole "you're obsolete compared to robots thing")

You can earn credit points that go "bing" as you learn your way through calculus at age 9. or 8. or 5.

This brings up other infinity type questions.

How long into the future will "knowing calculus" be "valuable" (in a finite world)?

Society needs to harvest the natural human tendency towards free and peaceful association, probably above all else. This will require safe places for all to escape to. There is no getting around this.

At what point does it become "too easy" for people to learn new things?

When might I stop worrying about all the world's problems and maybe worry about myself instead?

When the delusions disappear, I suppose. So probably never I guess? I don't know, but simply asking the question provided a moment of feeling like "right now".

As the Foci becomes Focus.

Maenam by Jami Sieber

aho music choice soundscapes

Phantogram - Black Out Days



Ben Carson's grasp on history,

even his own, seems somewhat dubious. In fact, he almost seems to not value the concept of a historical record as a general rule. In an internet-age, this is a bold and creative approach.

Factory schools are pressure cookers.

Five years after they are essentially eliminated as we transfer to individual learning, we will look back on the mind-blowingly destructive environments we have been conveniently dumping our children into for hundreds of years and shake our heads.

No, it has nothing to do with "public" vs "private". In both cases we throw our children to the wolves and demand that they behave like lambs while simultaneously supposedly trying to learn. When they instead begin to act like wolves themselves, desperately trying to find a way to survive in their environment, we medicate them.

Funny shit.

When the factories are gone, the medicines and disorders (add) will disappear behind them. (they only exist as a means of justifying the social structure of the factory school). Of course, so will the mass shootings but one would immediately assume that's a simple result of the, you know, lack of full classrooms to target. But that's not the point. The point is those kids won't feel that rage, because they won't be facing yet another day, month, year, or multiple years of daily humiliation and struggle for social survival in the jungle of factory schools.

When dogs are on leashes and forced to be in close proximity to one another, they are far more aggressive than when they meet up off-leash. You can continue to pander to college students and pretend like they are above such dynamics but that would be embarrassing so don't do that. It's just as gross, but it's sometimes less destructive because there is more individual freedom to escape. Unfortunately there is also the finality of "life after school" facing them, which is now a complete unknown because they've been taught to believe (or come to believe by virtue of it being their entire environment) that the opinions of all these other people are the most important thing, and they've been rejected by that group, so their built-up frustrations now hit a brick wall at the "end of the road they've known". (lost the plot a bit here... just gonna leave it...)

When you prevent a child from using his natural inclination to escape from destructive, dangerous situations, you begin the process of instituting lifelong helplessness and mental illness in that child, and guaranteeing he/she will never reach his/her "potential".

Your forced sociability kills children.

But don't worry about it. You're a "good person" with "good motivations" and that's all that matters. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Bi-lingual anthems are beautiful.

Perhaps it's time we made ours one.

So Ben Carson is taking a different tack.

While all candidates use the media as their B, as needed, most have already shmoozed their way into the sycophantic journalists' hearts. The media already wants the other candidates to like them. Their (the journalists) motivations are, therefore, mixed to some degree.

In Ben's case, that is not the case. They don't really like him so they don't really care about lost 'access'. They'll most likely focus significant amounts of energy directly towards destroying him.

So this is a different dynamic, and will be an interesting test case for the universe of benefits or dangers that can come via attacking "the media".

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

yeah man.

siriusxm's "The Bridge" is a cool, mellow trip and i dig it.

i dig it.

especially when they play that bitchin' sax solo from Gerry Rafferty's "Baker Street".

or like today when they played "Get it right next time" which is also yup.

Two Quick Updates

The calorie counts on menus, which changed my behavior forever the very first time I read them at fast food restaurants, apparently have not affected the eating habits of the vast majority of customers. So if McDonald's really is struggling, it's not because of the calorie counts.

And I may have misinterpreted Ms. Bareilles' lyrics to be a demand of her s/o, rather than a more generally uplifting sentiment expressed towards those who may be hesitant to shine.

So calling you a bitch was probably way over the line.

For that I am sorry.

i disagree.

no, jerome, i do not believe the "black lives matter" movement had any impact at all, and i think this sort of pandering does more harm than good.

that one group is yelling while another takes an action does not mean that the  yelling group caused the action or outcome.

the people who started this movement and fought through when the going was toughest were the individuals who refused to put down their recording devices in the face of overwhelming intimidation until the courts of the land clarified the behavior's legality. they had nothing to do with black lives matter. the black lives matter movement is a product of the fight that had already been fought to expose the behavior in as close to an objective way as possible (no, you are not objective).

they are the ones who started it, but even they don't really deserve any "credit".

the movement actually came about simply because of the availability of cell phone video. nothing more. we can now watch as the parasites come in to take credit and to corrupt what has so far been a phenomenally righteous development.

the ENTIRE movement is about the right to film. anything that comes after that right is established is a consequence of that first victory.

"Play It Cool" is actually pretty neat.

Rather funny. It's dripping in romantic comedy-ism but is worth watching regardless. It feels like an early effort by someone who will have many hits. Quite funny and retains, or more accurately regularly revists, the pace, tone and sensibility throughout. In other words, it doesn't completely forget itself as it goes.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Some songs are played/heard with perfect frequency.

Tupelo Honey is my favorite Van Morrison song, and is one of those songs that is played/heard the perfect amount. I don't believe I've ever turned it off when it's come on. That's how you know.


i was thinking about getting rid of the 'aho' because it's completely redundant and can be assumed, but the bare station name seemed too much like a straight-up ad so i'm not making that change, at least not right now.

Litmus Tests

Is there anyone who is not in love with Alison Krauss? Boy, girl, old, young? Anyone?

Not sure I'd really trust anyone who is not.