Monday, April 22, 2013

So all the video was kept secret

and the "professionals" were given the opportunity to review that hidden evidence, and so, since they noticed certain individuals via that hidden evidence, that somehow proves that "crowdsourcing" couldn't have been valuable, had the "crowd" been given access to the same evidence?

Self-serving illogic.

If the public had access to all the video (video taken by PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS for their own PRIVATE PURPOSES which they VOLUNTARILY PROVIDED TO THE GOVERNMENT when it SEEMED REASONABLE TO THEM), the case would have been solved more quickly, but that doesn't lend itself to an increased police presence, and to increased overtime pay, and so that solution is not desirable. It's that simple. We're all in it for ourselves. Freedom allows the largest number of people to work "for themselves" towards the same goal. Everything else is a distasteful appropriation of credit amongst a smaller group of individuals who happen to be paid via funds forcefully acquired from everyone else.

That's the only difference.

Fuck you, Deval.

Fuck you, everyone who fails to understand this.

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