Monday, April 29, 2013

MSNBC could serve a useful function

if they were willing to let go of the daily racialist division that appears to currently be their money maker.

I doubt they will change, as such an approach appears to be profitable in various media outlets (racialist radio is stunning in its consistently divisive racialism) but, assuming they are decent people trying to do good things in this world and this life, they might be better able to sleep at night by focusing more on promoting success stories rather than desperately seeking out every perceived slight and magnifying it to present a false sense of importance in the minds of the audience (and by doing so, in fact damaging the ability of the audience to succeed rather than helping it).

It's just like terrorism.

You're not going to die from a terrorist. Trust me.

You're going to die from something else.

I promise you.

But if you watch coverage of a terrorist attack every day for the rest of your life, you'll be convinced that the threat is greater than it is, and you'll spend an inordinate amount of your time worrying about that threat rather than focusing on things that are far more likely to impact you... things which you may have some possibility of "doing something about".


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