Tuesday, October 13, 2015

NO, you can't get violent about it,

but some people have absolutely no regard for others when they are ordering their Mexican food at Anna's.

we REALLY need different lines EVERYWHERE for people like the ARROGANT DAD who loves to play the "in control of everything" authority figure who is in NO HURRY TO COMPLETE HIS RIDICULOUSLY LONG ORDER because he KIND OF LOVES THE OPPORTUNITY TO passively-aggressively bully others in such situations because he's frustrated by how unfulfilling fatherhood is.

and then there are the others who are less particular but just painfully slow.


perhaps we'll miss human interaction when everything is a touchscreen, but in the meantime, can we at least provide the option during peak or rush times? because the above-mentioned father with the overly intense attitude and board-like posture who appears eager to engage with everyone he interacts with to talk politics is not someone i want to be around for any longer than absolutely necessary.

but you still can't get violent about it. once you do, you of course become the only asshole on the scene.

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