Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Doubling Down

it's more than that. this statement, "it's disgusting," will cap his support longer term. it was a stupid statement that reveals an ugliness that is deeply off-putting to decent people.

i think this was the moment.

so you think i'm simply a contrarian investor?


Write the books now. "The Moment The Genius Killed His Campaign".

I'll get you started.

What was he thinking? What could he possibly have been thinking? Why not keep the attack vague? Why go there?

The questions had been asked before, and had been proven misguided. The run of success had gone to his head, and provided the opportunity for some deep-seated issues to bubble to the surface.

Do you want him answering the call at 3 AM?

Do you want this man making difficult choices?


I mean yeah it's a shitty book but we're not writing for awards here. We're just paying bills.

Back to the race, if the rest of the field dropped out and their supporters coalesced around one of the milquetoast replacement candidates (Jeb? lol.. shudder. if it's a pendulum,  and politics is often the swinging of the pendulum out of revolt against the current choice, and donald is on one end, jeb could be said to be on the other in many ways), perhaps they could have a chance to defeat the donald. That would probably have to happen prior to donald's first win or it could be too late.

donald walks away with the greatest ad campaign of all time.

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