Monday, December 7, 2015

devilish details

a new narrative this morning regards the ending of the NSA mass surveillance program and its impact on the success of the San Bernardino killings

"we need to grow up here.. we need this program..."

devil's like, 'YO!

the program that not only did not stop this attack, but didn't even put these killers on a watch list?'

"well it would help us get information now..."

so there's the tacks... the brass ones... you are arguing that you want to institutionalize unchecked, unoversightable mass government surveillance of innocent American citizens italix even though it will not prevent future attacks but because it may provide quicker (in a matter of hours rather than, well hours) access to desired information regarding phone records than could be gotten through classic targeted warrant processes...?? slash italix.

is that correct? do you agree to that wording? if not, or if you don't understand, i'll make up a new snarky saying and put it right there in yer face.

which part?

how you like tehm apples BOOM. i just made that line up and pwnd ur ass with it.

anyways, point is the plan didn't work here, didn't work with the Boston bombers, doesn't work, costs like a hundred trillion dollars over the next 3 years alone, and fundamentally violates the right of ordinary American citizens to go about their lives freely, without government intrusion and constant tracking and monitoring every day for the rest of their lives.

in short, and as usual, fuck you.

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