Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Unnamed Tool On The Iraq War

According to an unnamed tool involved in the Iraq war, we needed to invade Iraq because of WMD, which didn't exist, but it was still worth it because we had to get rid of al Qaeda in Iraq, which was responsible for a total of like zero terrorist attacks in the country, give or take a few, but we "succeeded in Iraq", even though now "unnamed tool" can't go back to Iraq, because al Qaeda is there, and they are engaging in regular attacks, and they also have a price on the head of "unnamed tool".

But we still won.

Because we got rid of the al Qaeda.

Even though they are likely there now. And active.

And weren't before.

And we had to get rid of the WMD.

Which didn't.

You guessed it.


As always, it's entirely up to you if you want to believe in the fairy tales regarding "our leaders". Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess. Such beliefs certainly keep the conversations more interesting and entertaining. "What went wrong?" "Have we learned any lessons?" "How could they have been so wrong?" "Follow up, should we invade Syria?"

Carry on witcher bad selfs.

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