until individual citizens are held individually responsible for the collective actions of their ancestors.
It wouldn't take long to get them to admit that they want to sacrifice "non-whites" or "white Hispanics" or "those who are not sufficiently black" at the altar of racial reparations, and the details of any specific case do not matter. They want placating convictions, because those will make them feel better about themselves. LITERALLY. This is the request.
"someone can always explain away why this person got off, why this person was not found guilty and what we have is a bunch of dead black men."
Well, we also have a bunch of dead black men at the hands of other black men. Mostly that is the case, in fact, but you are focusing strictly on one segment of this situation because it confirms your preferred identity - racial justice crusader. You see yourself in a certain light, and the facts are fixed around that conclusion. Guess what? We also have a bunch of dead white people at the hands of blacks. Does that concern you at all? I didn't think so. Convenient, to say the least. Now let's look at the (quite rare) incidents of DISPUTE. I assume you accept that in many instances, even black men are arrested for legitimate reason. Right? Ok, what percentage does that involve? You don't care? Well there we have it, and that's why no one cares what you say any more. You have cried wolf too many times.
There are two possible reactions to this. First, you (not the same you as above. you, the salvageable one who has to deal with them, the you above) can shake your head and say, "they know not what they do. They are simply incapable of functioning at the intellectual level necessary to understand the situation without being consumed by their emotions and the social pressures involved." That would probably be the correct response.
Second, you could possibly consider acquiescing to their demands. You could decide that the wrongs of the past can only be righted by further wrongs today, against the descendants of the original wrongdoers. But only the white descendants, mind you. The descendants of blacks who held and sold slaves are not culpable at all, because we are talking collectivism in its purest form. Even if you are the black descendant of black slave owners, you are entitled to reparations from white America, because you are black, and that's that.
This here what you call a "irreconcilable diffince", and I believe the best response is a combination of the first, with perhaps a few sticks poked into the eye of those who need to be pushed back off my lawn. Back, dumbass. Back. Get off. You're not getting any of my stuff. Now go, or I will call the authorities and you can conclude that you are being arrested because the authorities are racist. I don't care either way. Now beat it. Maybe come back when you can control yourself and you are willing to learn a lesson or two, but not before.
We have reached a very important racial crossroads in America. We have squeezed out every last drop of give a shit by those who might be inclined towards white guilt, but who have their own lives, difficulties, struggles, and opposition to deal with. Those who have nothing better to do will always support another fight, but productive society has a cutoff point, and we have reached it. The conclusion is that "nothing will ever be good enough", and that conclusion is correct. If you want money to return to your homeland, you will enthusiastically get that. I promise you. But nothing else. Anything else constitutes extortion, and people won't be extorted any longer. Get your shit together, or get out of the way. Those are your options. Best of luck.
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