Friday, April 12, 2013

"European American"

The term wouldn't provide much useful information, would it?

It would imply a rather nebulous "bond" among people who most likely have little to nothing in common with each other other than perhaps the color of their skin... if even that. It also most likely groups together various factions including groups who engaged in slavery and genocide amongst each other.


I guess I am a "European American" just like the French.. and Germans... and Spanish... and Portuguese... and Italians... and Irish... and Scottish... and English..... etc..

Ridiculous collectivist retardation.

I find the use of the term "African American" to be similarly completely useless and, in fact, embarrassing. I am embarrassed for any individual who uses the term, in the same way I am embarrassed for people who say "irregardless", or "I could care less". It's a crutch, and it's time to retire the term. If you know the country you are from, or region within the country, or if you have some other meaningful identifying trait amongst your ancestors that you feel is relevant to who you are today, please provide it. That would at least have a touch more relevance to defining "you" (at least as you define yourself) than the broader terms which really have no meaning.


  1. Are you so dense as not to realize that very few African-Americans could tell you exactly where their ancestors "emigrated" from? And why they don't know that?
