Thursday, January 29, 2015

What Fox did to the news business

TMZ did to Fox.

This statement is false.

TMZ is vastly superior in journalistic integrity to Fox News.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Some things...

I just would prefer not to know.

An idea's popularity vs. its legitimacy

An idea's popularity vs. its accuracy

An idea's popularity vs. its reasonableness.














How are ye tidings?

Defending The Indefensible

perhaps the benefit of experiencing the act of trolling can help one navigate one's own ever-increasingly connected reality.


perhaps the troll has gotten a bad wrap...

(edit: trolls also serve as many systems' oil/oxygen supply, and that aspect shouldn't be completely overlooked. does it require anything approaching patent cynicism to ponder such a possibility?)

Das es Fhhhhhhhhhoydeeeinism


and i thought it said


I don't think one can logically

consistently be a simultaneous supporter of private property and military interventionism.

I think that combination requires a fundamental delusion-of-self.

(disregarding, of course, the patently cynical)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

repro v. non

clode the brain heenan

when translating a video, include both the original and the translated language.

yes, that will... etc... whatever it is you possibly come up with... 

the answer is still "yeah go ahead with it"....

Sunday, January 11, 2015

"Our religion is..."

In a disassembling sense,

there is no such thing as "our" in this case.

each understanding is his/her own.

of course this can be applied in more general ways which may encompass this example, but this case seems like one of the more apparent ones about which the alternative belief is so widely held.

Friday, January 9, 2015

In the end

we are the differences.

A Snowy Hush

Befalls the land

Even if you could, would you want to?

You can't have classes of young kids with like 100 kids, right?

I mean it would be impossible to control because more and more kids would start goofing off and getting into various other forms of trouble.

It would be very efficient, but it's just not plausible... well, let's assume it's not in 2015 in America.

Is this a "bad" thing? ie. Would you prefer the obvious alternative, that the kids would be so well behaved that there was no limit to plausible class sizes? The obvious example that comes to mind is "China might be able to have a dramatically higher average class size than America because their children are so much better behaved."

But at what cost?

I prefer our culture, even given the costs.

Technology and evolution don't care though.

Technology and evolution gone be like, "ts, brah".

Basically what I'm saying is that in my day we only had one pair of socks, and our shoes had holes in them and we patched them up while walking uphill in the snow both ways to school every day.

Taxpayer funded community college

Well, more generally, the value of "brick and mortar" schools vs. online.

all inclusive experience has undeniable value
resources like labs


So it seems time to trim the fat in brick and mortar education by reprioritizing, reallocating funds, and optimizing the remaining "must keep" processes. A new federal government push into guaranteeing federal taxpayer funded community colleges seems likely to undercut this evolution and to inevitably and dramatically raise costs (relative to what they would have fallen to without the intervention) and lower value.

Learning To Fly

Learn to appreciate the lines
Visualize them in your head, "simultaneously"
Become technically proficient

Saturday, January 3, 2015

To partake of illicits

or not to partake

that is the question

Politics and Fiction

It's kind of like being a self-aware fictional character.

Kind of? What do you mean kind of?

Motion passes.