Monday, February 1, 2016

Cabin Fever Brown Ale from New Holland Brewing Co.

is one of hell of a drink.

WARNING: your limit is 1 if you are driving, or, shit, even walking home. ONE. enjoy.

Petyon Manning's Pizza is terrible.

I tried Papa Johns pizza once. One time. That was it. Never again. It was like a poor man's Elio's in a circular tray. But worse. Much worse. I actually like Elio's at times but Papa John's was more like a Piggy's slice you'd get at the rink during public skating. Cardboard. Terrible. No taste. Just terrible.

So I guess Peyton not only does the commercials but owns franchises? Oof. Well, people like terrible food so. Actually that's not fair. They're just lazy and like being told what to purchase, so their "decision to choose" such a terrible product is more the fault of the marketing and business folk in the corporation, rather than their own. They just do what their TV tells them to.

Along those lines, I feel as though I'm going to vomit every time someone tells me they not only go to Chipotle, but actually thoroughly enjoy the product. I get physically nauseous. I tried Chipotle once as well... Actually I think I even gave it a second chance... It was so fucking vile. The sour cream ran like water, and the food was barely even luke warm. Gross. Gross. Gross.

Perhaps I am the victim of having a much better, more authentic option available; that being Anna's Taqueria. I am certainly thankful for the alternative. One should know when partaking of Chipotle's product that it's more Taco Bell than taco. One should already know that Taco Bell is best described as a culinary mystery.

Prediction time!

If I had to guess, I'd say it probably ends up being Rubio and Clinton in Iowa.

Large crowds rarely translate in caucuses.

Mark Zuckerberg had to study how to smile

to appear more human. He proved incapable of mastering the behavior and his smile tutors quit in disgust upon learning his true reptilian nature.

MZPRAS is what happens when an

introverted alien cyborg decides he's the only one who deserves any privacy.

MZPRAS - refers to "Mark Zuckerberg's Privacy-Raping Ad Service"  © - credit to original coiner  

Is Zuckerberg his parents' fault?

Are Zuckerberg's parents as awful as he?

That's the real question. Where does ultimate blame lie? You have to think the household was a nauseating collection of smugness and greed.

Shame on you, Mark Zuckerberg's parents, for not coming out against the monstrosity you created.

As for the wife, well, you saw the wedding photo. Cyborgs of a feather.

Serving Notice!

to the douche. i give you one day to resolve the issue you have created (we'll just say "SEO" and leave it at that)....

the clock started at 7:00 am. so by 7:00 am tomorrow, the issue shall be resolved.

Cyborg intruders from an alien race

monitoring your every move via the borg's computer systems, code-named "Mark Zuckerberg's Privacy-Raping Ad Service"©.

© - not my term. credit to the individual who coined it. or "accurately identified the threat".

Mark Zuckerberg is damaging the Aspergers community

People are starting to think (because of Mark Zuckerberg's insufferable personality) that individuals "suffering from Aspergers" are really just selfish fucking assholes.

Destroying MZPRAS' advertising model should be your goal.

All of you who FAIL to use ad blockers while using "Mark Zuckerberg's Privacy-Raping Ad Service"© are by definition part of the problem.

© - the official and correct term. not my creation.

Everyone knows Mark Zuckerberg is "different".

They know that something isn't quite right there. That something is really off.

Ray Bourque should be allowed to defend his title.

He (and some others really) should have a lifetime invitation to the shooting accuracy event. He should be allowed to participate whenever he feels like it.

And he should get a substantial raise in his day job because that Berkshire Bank commercial is pitch perfect. His facial expressions, especially as he pins an opponent to the office boards, are priceless. He still has the ability to get into a mental zone of dominance on a moment's notice. It's simultaneously a tiny bit scary and just plain funny.

Impressive. Dude's the best.

I love Claudia Castillo

If police were forced to obey traffic laws, the safety of all drivers would improve dramatically, and lives would be saved.

Arrogance by police is the very first step in authoritarian government.

Claudia Castillo is one of the microscopically small percentage of people who would have the courage to do what she did, and to do so as calmly as she did.

Absolutely amazing, heroic act which will save lives, imo.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Net Effects

"Mark Zuckerberg's Privacy-Raping Ad Service"© has killed more people than marijuana.


© - i didn't make that up.

It's official.

All closely-cropped, preppy white dudes now look like serial killers to me.

Marco Rubio is a joke candidate.

A goof.

A "let's see what we can get away with" situation.

ie. "let's see exactly how much we control the rubeish partisans."

Marco Rubio is The Manchurian Man-Whore

The "Red Sox Town Hall" Event


take a horrible idea with no purpose or hope for success, add clingy media dude, and then, as the final insult, put the management team halfway towards the back of the stage for absolutely no good reason.

the end effect is the impression that the brass loathes nothing more than the idea of being forced to mix with the common folk, or even being close enough to them to have to smell them.

what a train wreck.

paid advertisement: train wreck puts you to sleep.

but yeah. what a disaster.

It's very surprising

How little desire I have to go into space, to the moon, or certainly to mars.

It's near zero. Maybe actually zero.

I wouldn't go even if you wrote me a blank check.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

How will Jeb emotionally deal with losing?

I think that's the most interesting question going forward.

But before even that, the young man (Jeb) needs to find an outlet to express himself, especially during this very stressful time. George can apparently paint so I think they should start having paint-parties tomorrow. I think Jeb should know that he can have those paint-parties any time he wants, and that everyone is proud of his paintings. I think it's important to get on that stat.

I saw an individual online say he was worried about Jeb's mental state, even to the point of worrying about him harming himself.

He does give off some signs of that, and of course that would not be desired. If he is as troubled internally as the candidate Jeb appears to be onstage, then compassion would clearly be called for to rule the day. In some ways that would be reminiscent of the royal in the King's Speech.

But his biggest problem as a candidate is his brother's administration; ie. the ultimate entangling alliance. He can't live without it, and he can't win with it. He should have just known that and never gotten into the race.

Good day.

The registration form for running for any political office should come with a warning label. CAUTION: politics is clinically proven to cause premature death. proceed at own risk.